March TORC News Bulletin


March News Bulletin

Latest News

Residents’ Groups Training

TORC residents were invited to a free online training facilitated by TUATH Tenant Engagement Coordinator on 27th February 2024. This was an amazing opportunity to learn more about resident groups, their functioning, creating a positive living environment, and community spirit. The slides from the training are available upon request- email or contact Klaudia (TEO).


Residents’ Groups meetings


In the month of February and March TORC has reached out to all the schemes to enquire about resident groups meetings. The feedback was received from 10 tenants: Pairc Goodman 3,Cluain Ailbhe 2, Pairc Thiar 2, Douglas Drive 1, Pairc Ui Mhuirithe 1, DromCuilinn 1.  4 residents expressed that they would prefer the meeting to be held online; 3 residents of Pairc Goodman named venues for the meeting. TORC facilitated 4 residents’ meetings in person in the recent weeks.

Money Matters Training

There was a free online training conducted by Financial Health Club on the 14th March available to TORC residents. Two sessions: morning and evening were offered to accommodate busy schedules. The training provided information and advice on managing budgeting, improving money mindset, and ensuring financial health. The residents’ feedback was very positive; there were interesting, practical examples offered, including investments and spending -saving balance.


Language Menu

Our TORC website has an improved language menu with a huge selection of languages that translate the content of the website. If we are missing your language, please send a message to TORC or leave a comment, so we can update the language selection and make it more convenient and inclusive for our residents.

Visit the website

the language selection is on the top left, under TRANSLATE đź—Ł


Social Media in March


The month of March is filled with exciting festivals, and TORC shared on their social media some positive thoughts and information in relation to International Women’s Day, Mother’s Day, and St. Patrick’s Day. With Easter just around the corner, watch out for more posts on TORC social media platforms!


Upcoming Events

1/ Easter online Bingo

TORC has invited residents to the bingo lovers event on 27th March.

The registration closed on 20th March and the bingo cards will be posted out very soon, the link to the meeting will be emailed closer to date.

2/ Easter Egg Hunts


Three schemes: Roscommon, Macroom and Waterford will enjoy Easter Egg Hunts right before Easter- on 25th, 26th and 28th March.  More information will be available in the photo report next month.

3/ Planting Events


TORC is planning some planting events and spring cleaning events in April, so watch out for communication from TORC if  you want to join to make your scheme look more colourful, healthier, environmentally friendly, and simply prettier!

TORC Top Tip for Tenants

Residents’ Group- essential and practical information


Please see the latest Top Tip, this month it is all about Residents’ Groups! Learn about the functioning, aims, purposes, and objectives of the groups.

TORC strives to ensure that the sense of community is central to our work. We value social inclusion, community spirit, and focus on residents’ needs and views.  The residents’ groups are an essential part of the community acting as a voice for the scheme, representing local interest, sharing ideas, organising social events.

It may seem like a huge responsibility, adding to a busy schedule, but give a meeting a try and see for yourself. Meet your neighbours, get inspired, feel the community spirit, and become a part of planning and seeing things happen for your scheme!