TORC July News Letter


July News Bulletin

Latest News


International Children’s Day at Douglas Drive

As you could read in the previous newsletter, TORC held two events to celebrate International Children’s Day at Drom Cuilinn and Presentation Gardens.


Douglas Drive observed International Children’sDay with TORC on 11th June. The turnout was amazing, there were bot children and parents enjoying ice creams and some outdoor games. The face painting was very popular and the queue was long but children were very patiently waiting for their turn.


Children enjoyed bubbles, and everyone was given a water bottle as a token from TORC. Children helped TEO tidy up after the event.




Cinema Trip


TORC has invited the adult residents of Pairc Thiar and Pairc Goodman as a response to the residents’ wishes to acknowledge adult residents in our schemes.

If you would like to attend or have an idea for an event in your scheme, please contact TORC TEO who is happy to hear from you!


Summer Event

Dear TORC Residents,

Would you like your children to attend a day out with TORC this summer?

TORC is thinking of Fota Wildlife Park in Little Island, Co. Cork for the residents of Presentation Gardens, Pairc Thiar, Pairc Goodman and Pairc Ui Mhuirithe.

And Dublin Zoo for the residents of Drom Cuilinn, Douglas Drive, Cluain Ailbhe and Clairin.

Please complete a short survey before this Friday 5th July 4pm so we can start organizing some fun for your children

Please note that the day in Fota Island/ Dublin Zoo will be available to TORC children (under 18), and parent/ guardian supervising ( all children need to be supervised at all times).

Entry tickets and bus to and from the event will be free for children and parents/ guardians.

More information will be available soon!

Education and Training Fund


TORC invites TORC residents who think about upskilling through an educational or training course to apply for the Education and Training Fund.

It could be a short non-accredited weekend course, a beauty school course or a year long accredited diploma. You can apply for any type of course that interests you – the choice is yours!

As in the previous years, the TORC Foundation can provide grants from €200 – €1000 to cover the cost of the course fees (it cannot cover expenses related to the course, only fees). You must not be in receipt of other funding e.g. SUSI and be a TORC resident over 18 years of age.

Check out our website for more details and information on how to apply.

The deadline to apply is 30th August 2024 , 5pm 🧑‍



Residents Association Training

Carmichael training centre kindly agreed to deliver a training to TORC residents in relation to residents association. The host was a very experienced trainer who had been a CEO of AHB before.  The training was divided into 4sessions: governance and leadership, legal and regulatory compliance, conflict of interest and ethical considerations, and Q&A.

8 residents registered to the training and 5 attended it on the day. It was an online training delivered via zoom at a convenient afternoon time to facilitate the busy schedules of the residents.

It has provided participants with  a good understanding of the roles, responsibilities of residents association, running of it, GDPR, insurance etc.  The participants were actively engaged during the training and the questions were valid and beneficial for everyone.



‘Message In a Bottle’


‘Message in a Bottle is a simple idea that encourages people to keep their basic personal and medical details in a common place, where, in cases of emergency, the Emergency teams can easily access them. The information required is very basic but necessary. The Personal information Form is self- explanatory; however you may like to ask a relative, friend, neighbour or carer to assist in completing the form’.

TORC would like to support this idea by delivering the bottles to you.

TORC TEO has delivered some of the kits already, please bear with us, we will be delivering more in the next few weeks!


Residents meetings


Residents Meetings

TORC has reached out to the residents of Cluain Ailbhe, Douglas Drive, Drom Cuilinn about the residents meetings! TORC residents- we want to hear from you!


Presentation Gardens Residents Association have kindly agreed to host an online meeting to share experience of how to be a part of, and run a Residents Association- again, let us know if you are interested! TEO will contact you when the date is agreed.

Upcoming Events

1/ Road Safety Awareness Event- Pairc Thiar

2/ Summer Event

Fota Wildlife Park and Dublin Zoo- dates and details to be confirmed

TORC Top Tip for Tenants

Solar Power in Your Home


TORC July Top Tip  is dedicated to solar power system Eddi, which alters the power to the heater. It is the most efficient system available in Ireland at present, it is safe with the way it automatically adjusts the voltage to the heater.

There has been some questions raised by residents recently regarding the functioning the system- hence the Top Tip, along with the video with instructions