TORC September News Bulletin



September News Bulletin

Latest News


Education and Training Fund 2024


Education and Training Fund 2024 submissions of applications was closed on the last day of August. There were 23 responses (22 applications) received and they are currently under a review of the judging panel.

We wish all the applicants best of luck in securing the financial support.

We also wish good luck to all who are planning to enter education this year!

‘Summer In My Scheme’ Photo Competition Results


TORC were delighted to announce the winners of the photo competition ‘Summer in my Scheme’

📸Adult Category

1st place Sasha, Drom Cuilinn

2nd place Linda, Pairc Goodman

3rd place Jason, Pairc Goodman

Special prize Lavie, Pairc Thiar


1st place Lylah (7), Pairc Ui Mhuirithe

2nd place Jayden (14), Pairc Goodman

3rd place Dolly (8), Pairc Goodman

Special prize Ahmeed (12), Pairc Thiar


Massive congratulations to all the winners 🏆🏆 and huge thank you to all who entered the competition 💥

All the entries were amazing and we hope to see even more enter the next competition!!


The ‘Annual Resident Satisfaction Survey’

FYI – The ‘Annual Resident Satisfaction Survey’ Starts This Month!

The Annual Residents Satisfaction Survey will be taking place third year.

The online survey will start from 16thSeptember, and the phone survey- from 7th October.

You may receive an email or call to take part in the short survey from an independent research company called Acuity who are conducting the Resident Satisfaction Survey on behalf of TORC.

The survey is one measure of resident satisfaction and delivery of our tenancy services and is crucial for TORC’s strategic planning.

Last year we achieved a 96% satisfaction rating for overall Tenant Management services.

Let’s find out what residents think this year!

Residents who partake in the survey will be entered into a draw to win a prize. We have five ‘One4All’ vouchers to be won – two vouchers worth €100 and three vouchers worth €50.


‘Home and Garden ‘ Competition


TORC launched ‘Home and Garden’ competition on the World Photography Day (19th of August) as the photo competitions appear to catch a great interest of both young and older TORC residents.

TORC would like to invite all to enter the ‘Home and Garden’ competition.

Maybe you have green fingers or a great taste in home décor, share some special parts of your home and garden that you are the proudest of, and are your labour of love!

Email max. 3 photos to to enter the competition and win prizes.

Deadline 15th September 5pm.

Message In a Bottle’

TEO delivered 9 kits in Clairin last month and is hoping to deliver in Pairc Goodman and Pairc Ui Mhuirithe in the coming weeks.

More info at Message in a Bottle – Lions Clubs of Ireland

Back to School Initiative


The Back-to-School initiative for TORC residents is returning for another year! Last year TORC sent out a Dunnes Stores gift card to the value of €15 to each of the 618 young TORC residents aged 4-1 to help 326 households with academic costs such as stationery, backpacks, uniform, sportswear, shoes, coats etc.

The vouchers will be posted out in the next couple of weeks!

Leaving Certificate

Well done to all TORC residents who received their Leaving Certificate results recently!

It marks your educational milestone and we wish you the best of luck in the new chapter of your life journey!💥🎓

Upcoming Events

National Walking Day

Online Magic Show

Wellness Workshop

TORC Top Tip for Tenants

Back to School Tips


TORC September Top Tip is dedicated to the matters in relation to the back to school time of the year. As the traffic flow will increase now with the re-openings of the schools, we at TORC urge all drivers coming in and out of the schemes to be very  careful and to observe the speed limit.

This time of the year brings more financial stressors and strains getting children ready for the school term. We at TORC encourage all residents to use our WhatsApp groups to help and support one another to reduce the back to school expenses. Use the space to come together to reduce the costs of school uniforms, books and other items!