Resident Feedback

At TORC Sustainable Housing, we are committed to delivering the highest standards in service and customer care when serving our residents’ needs. A vital element of this is affording our residents the opportunity to provide feedback to help shape and improve our service. Some of the ways we do this include the  Annual Resident Satisfaction Survey, through tenant engagement and Resident Groups and through surveys on particular actions such as the annual Housing Inspections. Alternatively, residents are encouraged to provide feedback by contacting

Annual Resident Satisfaction Survey

As part of TORC Sustainable Housing’s ongoing investment in tenant engagement we conduct a Resident Satisfaction Survey every year. The survey is carried out by online questionnaires and telephone interviews and is carried out by an independent market research company – Acuity Research and Practice. The survey focuses on how happy our residents are with the way TORC maintains their homes and delivers key services.

This year the survey will be conducted at two stages:

Stage One- Online survey 16th September

Stage Two- Telephone survey 7th October

Last year the survey took place between August and September 2023. The findings provide a view of the main drivers behind satisfaction levels and the issues residents are most concerned about, informing TORC’s future strategic and operational planning.

TORC Sustainable Housing achieved a 96% satisfaction rating for overall Tenant Management services. Other key areas to note:

  • 97% are satisfied that they are kept informed about things that might affect them as a resident
  • 94% are satisfied with the overall quality of their homes
  • 93% are satisfied that TORC is easy to deal with
  • 91% are satisfied with the way TORC deals with repairs and maintenance
  • 93% Are satisfied with the overall upkeep and cleaning of community areas

Click the image below to read the full report:


To view the 2022 Annual Resident Satisfaction Report, click here.

Annual Housing Inspection Survey

We want to ensure that we provide safe, efficient, durable, comfortable, and sustainable homes for our tenants. By carrying out annual inspections we meet our statutory obligations to our stakeholders, investors, and local authorities, as well as updating and improving standards to ensure the quality of accommodation for our tenants.

TORC’s Unit Inspection Policy includes the ability for tenants to give feedback on their experience. Please click on the image to complete the short survey.