A Residents Group is a group of local people living in a housing estate or apartment complex in a particular area that come together to promote and enhance the living environment of the area and to ensure that the area is well represented when dealing with local and statutory bodies.
A Residents Group (also known as an Residents Association/ Committee) can be made up of residents, tenants and/or homeowners who represent the interests of everyone living in an area. They aim to represent the views of all residents in their area to help make their neighbourhood and community a better place to live.
After all residents have been allocated their homes on each TORC scheme, the Tenant Engagement Officer will organise the first community meeting and invites will be sent out to residents on the scheme who have signed the Tenant Engagement Consent Form. The first community meeting is held on the Scheme with the TORC tent and is a good opportunity to gauge the interest in setting up a Resident’s Group. The HSCO will also be in attendance to provide updates on the scheme and address any housing concerns. Following the first community meeting with the Tenant Engagement Officer a group of volunteers are invited to come forward to form the Residents’ Group.
Creating and developing your community.
Meeting your neighbours socially.
Achievement and pride in your estate.
Providing services and activities for your community.
Gaining new skills and knowledge.
Sharing skills and knowledge.
Achieving more as a group for the wellbeing of the estate.
Linking into the wider community.
-Name of the group/association
-Aims and objectives of your organisation (why the group exists and what it wants to achieve)
-Powers (remit of the group)
-Membership (who can be members of the group/organisation)
-Management Committee (representation)
-Officers (roles and responsibilities and voting rights)
-Meetings (frequency, duration etc.)
-The AGM
-Quorum for meetings
-Finance (process for financial management)
-Dissolution of the group
-lterations or amendments to the Constitution.
The Tenant Engagement Officer can provide training and support to assist you in the development of your constitution that reflects the work and principles of the residents’ group.
A code of conduct is an agreement about how members of a residents’ group will behave as a group and to each other. It helps the group to maintain a high standard of conduct, assists members in their work for the residents’ group and protects the best interests of the group. A code of conduct can be included in your constitution or can be a separate document. The Tenant Engagement Officer can also assist the group with developing this.
Equal opportunities ensure people have the same opportunities in life as other people, without being treated in an unfair way because of their gender, marital status, family status, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, race or ethnicity. A statement of equal opportunities is usually included as a statement within your constitution. It should give reference to how you intend to include everyone within your given community. The Tenant Engagement Officer can also assist the group with developing this.